Become a beacon
If you've been going through a particularly tough job search - and you just aren't seeing the results that you know you should see with your background and expertise - it might be time to change up how you're playing the game.
I'm the person job seekers go to when they've tried everything in their power to land an interview: applying to hundreds of jobs, making every strategic edit possible on their resume, and yet being rejected constantly by hiring managers and recruiters without ever knowing why.
If you feel like you have a relatively good grasp on your job search, and you just need a resume writer to polish up your document, then I might not be the right choice for you. ;)
While I can polish a resume as well as any resume writer, my talents are in helping job seekers actually land their desired job roles - and with companies that will pay them exactly what they should be making.
How do we make this happen?
- Rather than just positioning you as the best person for the job, we take it one step further.
- We make you highly desirable to hiring managers and recruiters - appealing to their biggest needs and private wants from a job candidate - which often isn't explicitly asked for in the job posting.
- Now, you're not just standing out from the crowd - you've become a beacon, and you're attracting hiring decision-makers to you.
Job seekers: what are you doing to make yourself highly desirable to hiring managers and recruiters?
What could you bring to the table that would alleviate their private pain points?
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