Reflecting on a 5-year anniversary
It’s been almost 5 years since I left the pharmaceutical world to become a full-time, fully self-employed resume writer.
During those 5 years, the world has experienced:
- A global pandemic, resulting in massive, widespread layoffs across every sector.
- A global shift to remote work the likes of which we’d never seen - followed by a massive reversal, sending employees back into the office.
- “The Great Resignation” of 2022 - the result of this reversal - followed by “The Big Stay” of 2023.
- A new work culture trend defined by mass disengagement among essential staff, termed “quiet quitting.”
With each major event, job seekers had to re-evaluate themselves and their career journeys. They had to make difficult, speedy decisions while navigating a chaotic job market.
And I was right there with them, completely in the thick of it - scheduling interviews with recruiters, trying to understand how the playing field was evolving - researching companies, teams, and even hiring managers to find an edge for my customers - and staying up late into the night (and waking up early in the morning) to speak with job seekers from all around the world.
I’ve been writing resumes for paying customers since 2015. But it wasn’t until 2019, when I decided to do this full-time, that I truly embraced the challenge and complexity of my work.
If I’d stayed in pharmaceuticals and tried to juggle both worlds, I’m almost certain that I wouldn’t have succeeded.
I’m here, 5 years in, because I picked this specific path - devoted to this specific journey - and stuck with it.
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I’m bringing the blog back
It’s been a while!
In the past, I’ve gone through blog-writing “sprints” that lasted from a few weeks to nearly a year.
This time, I’m using the space to write about the changes I’m observing in the job market.
I want to talk about things that might be a bit too complex or controversial for a LinkedIn post. I want to talk about the trends that are worrying me.
I also want to talk about the opportunities I’m seeing for job seekers in today’s market.
If you ever want to respond to one of my blog posts, click the “Contact” link on the upper-right part of the screen.
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What I’ve been up to
I remember writing my last post to you all in March. And then a year went by.
Everything is still going well! I had a very busy 2022. It's looking like 2023 will be the same.
What I've been up to:
- I'm still a full-time resume writer and career coach. I spend half of my time with clients here on LinkedIn. The other half is spent with clients on Fiverr Pro.
- I've been working away in my "cave" for the past year. I'm writing a book and working on an online course. I'm mentoring other resume writers and career coaches.
- I was invited to work with the Fiverr Business platform, and very recently, I was invited to work with Stoke Talent (acquired by Fiverr). This opens up my services to a wider audience - these are exciting times!
I'm still loving Florida. There are mornings when I wake up, look at the palm trees outside my window, and can't believe that I live here.
I don't leave the house as often as I'd like, but I'm working on that!
I hope you all have been doing well!
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Become a beacon
If you've been going through a particularly tough job search - and you just aren't seeing the results that you know you should see with your background and expertise - it might be time to change up how you're playing the game.
I'm the person job seekers go to when they've tried everything in their power to land an interview: applying to hundreds of jobs, making every strategic edit possible on their resume, and yet being rejected constantly by hiring managers and recruiters without ever knowing why.
If you feel like you have a relatively good grasp on your job search, and you just need a resume writer to polish up your document, then I might not be the right choice for you. ;)
While I can polish a resume as well as any resume writer, my talents are in helping job seekers actually land their desired job roles - and with companies that will pay them exactly what they should be making.
How do we make this happen?
- Rather than just positioning you as the best person for the job, we take it one step further.
- We make you highly desirable to hiring managers and recruiters - appealing to their biggest needs and private wants from a job candidate - which often isn't explicitly asked for in the job posting.
- Now, you're not just standing out from the crowd - you've become a beacon, and you're attracting hiring decision-makers to you.
Job seekers: what are you doing to make yourself highly desirable to hiring managers and recruiters?
What could you bring to the table that would alleviate their private pain points?
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Fiverr’s Choice
I had been on LinkedIn ProFinder for a couple of months when I first learned about Fiverr Pro. To become a resume writer on ProFinder, I had to go through a vetting process with the LinkedIn team. I expected that Fiverr's vetting process was going to be roughly the same.
I didn't realize at the time that there were only eight pro-level resume writers on the entire Fiverr platform. The fail rate for applications was astonishing.
When I looked at the portfolios of the pro resume writers, one person, in particular, stood out. She was the hiring manager for the Obama White House, and she had earned the achievement of "Fiverr's Choice." She was considered the best of the best on Fiverr, and she was hand-picked by the team for this title.
I told myself that if the Fiverr team ever found me worthy of joining the pro-level ranks, I would strive to be the next Fiverr's Choice.
Last night, as I logged onto my dashboard to speak with a new client, I found out that they'd given me the achievement. :)
Since this is my first time receiving this, I can't say how long I'll get to keep it. My understanding is that this is updated regularly as new clients sign up for work and as new resume writers join the ranks.
But there was a moment in time when I was the best of the best on Fiverr, and I was the resume writer that Fiverr hand-picked for the title.
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How do you get your manager to notice you?
How do you get your manager to notice you? This is a question that I receive on occasion, usually from someone who’s thinking about pursuing a promotion.
If you’re interested in deepening your work relationship with your manager, consider starting from a place of empathy. Think about what you currently know about your manager - their habits, their personality, their routine - and gently begin the process of putting yourself in their shoes.
As an example: it might be that your manager is currently navigating what it is to actually be a manager. This was likely a job that they wanted for a long time. When they received their promotion, they experienced the wide-eyed excitement we all experience when we finally achieve our dreams.
But as they began performing the many duties of management, they realized just how different and, often, uncomfortable the new demands are compared with their previous responsibilities.
They may be tasked with carrying out decisions that aren't aligned with what they actually want to do - such as firing someone, shifting gears on a project/process, or being firm with a team member.
They may also be experiencing imposter syndrome - wondering if they measure up or if they’ll ever become the leader they always wanted to be.
If you can acknowledge this - and if you can somehow show your manager that you genuinely respect the complexity and depth of their position - you will make tremendous leaps in getting them to notice you.
As a result:
- Your relationship will become stronger.
- Your manager will start taking steps to mentor you and provide moments of insight into their thinking.
- Everything you build from there will exist on a foundation of trust.
All of this helps you become a richer employee - and it will certainly set you up for the future.
Managers, do you agree? Anything that you’d like to add to the conversation?
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Questionable job postings
While digging through job postings, have you ever come across a posting that seemed a bit... off? Maybe there were bullet points in the job description that didn't make sense - or maybe the compensation didn't make sense for the responsibilities listed?
I've been thinking a lot about job postings this week - the people who write them, the people who approve them, and the people who end up applying to them.
Here are a few thoughts about those odd or questionable postings:
1. Material may have been added to the posting.
- The last person to edit the posting might have desired additional skill sets or mastery within a second key discipline. But rather than creating a new position or training from within, they hope to get those skills from the next person hired.
- If you still want to apply: Speak to the items in the posting that align with what you can provide. Then, think about the pain points that the post writer might be trying to address with the out-of-place bullet points. Try to speak to those pain points across your application.
- Ask yourself: What is the writer of this posting actually after?
2. The previous employee who occupied the desk may have been underpaid.
- The person who created the post may have intentionally listed the lower salary, hoping to find candidates that would accept it just like the previous employee.
- If you still want to apply: You get to make an important decision. You can either list your desired salary in alignment with the posting salary. Or, (and I wish more than anything you'll do this), you'll list the salary you actually want on your application.
- In the end, you might not hear back from the employer. But you'll have taken one more step toward the ending of unfair employment practices, and that means more than you could ever imagine.
Job seekers, what are your thoughts? Do you have anything we can add to the conversation?
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When resume writing was just my side-hustle
When resume writing was just my side-hustle, I would devote my entire weekend to doing all the work I needed to do to keep things going.
Friday at 6:00 pm, I would log off my work computer, drive back to the apartment, and immediately log onto my laptop. I would then spend the next six hours prospecting, sending emails, writing resumes and cover letters, and checking up on clients.
The entire weekend would continue like this, and it was only on Sunday evenings that I would stop to take a break.
I had one folder on my desktop that contained everything - templates, client agreements, and Excel sheets filled with all kinds of workflows, pricing breakdowns, and metrics.
After a particularly long and challenging weekend, I would find myself staring at the folder and wonder what it was all for.
Looking back on it now, the one overwhelming thought I have is gratitude. I could have easily - and I mean easily - deleted that folder with one click.
But I didn't quit - and because I didn't quit, I got to create and shape the life I always wanted. I became my own boss. I figured out how to make the same income while cutting my work hours in half. I even found a place just a few minutes away from the beach - something that I dreamed about my entire life.
If you have a folder on your desktop that contains everything you've ever wanted for your life, my challenge for you is to take this entire weekend and get to work. :)
With each weekend and with each bit of effort you make, you'll get closer and closer to fulfilling your dreams.
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P.S. I'm able to take on one new client in August for bi-weekly Zoom coaching calls. If you want to get your side-hustle up and running, and if you want someone to help you make things happen, send me a message today.
Job postings
My job seekers often tell me that when they're applying for jobs, they fit the job posting criteria perfectly. They have the right education requirements and the right skills. Everything seems to align.
And yet, despite their best efforts, nobody gives them a call.
There are a number of reasons as to why this might be happening. The ones below are what's currently on my mind:
- The hiring manager might be looking for a perfect replacement for the last person who occupied the desk. But rather than writing the posting to attract someone with similar abilities, they just copied and pasted the job posting template that was used previously.
- Pro-Tip: Before applying to the job, try to find out who was formerly at that desk. What did they bring to the table that made them an asset to the organization?
- If the job posting is generic enough, the hiring manager might be digging through too many applications that are all "perfect fits." When this happens, the differentiators become the hiring manager's new focus areas.
- Pro-Tip: Do you have any interesting or fascinating achievements that you could add to your application? Can you spin them in such a way that it might create intrigue for the hiring manager?
Always remember - the goal of your application is to make the hiring manager want you on their team.
Bring to the table what the hiring manager wants, and you will get the callback you're after.
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Hiring is an exhaustive process
During my first two years as a resume writer, I made it non-negotiable to get on a call with a recruiter or hiring decision-maker every week. I always asked them this one specific question:
"What do you want to see from job seekers who apply to your company?"
It was an intentionally broad question - and I ended up receiving interesting, surprising, and thought-provoking responses.
Here are a few that I'm thinking about today:
1. Hiring is an exhaustive process - not just for the job seeker, but for the people in charge of hiring. Applications that are easy to digest and comprehend tend to get more attention and gain more traction.
2. Hiring can also be a pretty dry process. I had hiring managers tell me that they would put off the task - or they would only look through applications early in the morning/late in the evening/on weekends.
3. What tends to make the process less dry?
- Reading sincere and heartfelt application answers.
- Contemplating a candidate's engaging career story.
- Considering how a candidate might fit in with the team.
Hiring managers, what are your thoughts on these? What do you want to see from job seekers who apply to your company?
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Fulfillment comes from concentrated effort
We like to think of our passions as something that we find.
But the reality is that our “passions” emerge as a result of the things we do.
Fulfillment (a word that I encourage my job seekers to use, rather than passion) is found through the actions we take. And the insight emerges in how engrossed we are as we complete the activity.
This is a tough thing for job seekers to consider, and, I believe, for good reason.
When we get to the point that we’re asking the question, “how do I find my passion?” it’s usually because something has taken place that’s created major discontent in our lives.
Our natural response to any form of suffering or discontent is to escape it, push it away, and disengage with it as much as possible. We don’t typically think, “I must work harder and longer at this problem in order to understand it.”
But the longer we choose escape as a solution, the harder it becomes to change the habit - especially to something like deep focus and concentrated effort.
Concentrated effort is hard. I’d even go so far as to say that concentrated effort creates even greater frustrations and discontent, especially as we work to understand our true calling.
If our already built-in response to discontent is escape, I’m sure you can guess what any kind of concentrated effort will make us want to do. ;)
But if our heartfelt desire is to find real fulfillment in our lives, this is the challenge that we get to embrace.
We get to actively participate in the exploration of our talents, gifts, joys, and the things that move us spiritually.
We get to venture into what brings us true meaning and significance.
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The force of career movement
Back when I was learning how to do options trading, my mentor would often talk about market movement by comparing it to a dog chained to an elephant.
The dog could run around all it wants and go in any direction. But it could only go as far as the length of chain would allow, and there was nothing the dog could do to make the elephant budge.
But if the elephant decided to move, it was taking the dog with it. The elephant could walk faster, cover more distance, and the only way the elephant would stop was if it decided to stop.
The dog would be helpless to do anything about it.
The story was told to compare daily and hourly charts versus weekly and monthly charts. Lately, I’ve been thinking about this story as it relates to career movement and the impact our decisions can have on our future.
Decisions about accepting a job offer that guarantees a complete lifestyle change.
Decisions about taking a major pay cut in order to join a new industry.
These are all elephants. They’re big and powerful decisions, and once they’re made, they move with tremendous force.
But I don’t believe we see this at the moment we make the decision.
We’re tired, overworked, and ground down to our core. We need a quick solution to make the hurt and discomfort go away.
Our brains jump at the idea of escaping our situations, and we cling to the first thing that feels good and promises respite.
We don’t realize that we’ve just initiated a major career movement - a complete upheaval of our destinies. In one decision, we’ve shut doors, opened doors, and changed the course of our lives.
It’s very difficult to stop once it’s started moving. And to go back to where you began will take a force equal to the one we’ve just made.
But we think of these movements like a dog on a chain. A small force, easy to control, and easy to move where you want it to move.
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“Follow your passion” isn’t necessarily bad career advice
I’m writing a book around career change - specifically, how to use the skill set you already possess to make a career transition. And I’m not planning on including anything about the idea of following your passion.
However, I bring it up here because it’s a common (and I mean common) question asked by my job seekers - “How do I find my passion?”
I believe there’s nothing wrong with asking this question or thinking about your career from this concept. I also believe that we can have a productive conversation about career change using this as a starting point.
The “follow your bliss” concept (from the PBS series The Power of Myth) is believed to be the reference point for the “follow your passion” movement of the late 2000s. It’s also believed that Joseph Campbell’s interpretation of dharma from the Bhagavad Gita is based on an incomplete translation.
I’m fascinated by all of this - so much so that I’m seeking out commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita and digging into career advice from the 1950s to the 1990s. I’m exploring generational thinking and language patterns across each decade. I’m asking the question, “Were we slowly building our way to the ‘follow your passion’ movement all along?”
I’m becoming convinced that “follow your bliss” was the convenient, easy-to-repeat catchphrase that helped summarize the desires of a lost and despondent generation. I watch interviews with 20-somethings and 30-somethings that were filmed in the 70s and 80s. It’s almost painful to watch them talk about their jobs and careers - as if they’re somehow doomed to misery. (Thank you, David Hoffman, for filming these incredible interviews.)
It’s no wonder to me that the movement emerged as it did - and why we still cling to it, using it as a solution to escape an unhappy career.
As I learn more about the roots of these movements - and as I dig more into the original meaning of dharma - I might unearth something that could actually help my job seekers as they work their way to a successful career transition.
But until I do, my notes on following your passion will just hang out on my desktop. ;)
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Book update
It’s been a couple of weeks since I last wrote an update. In the time I’ve been away, I came up with a possible outline for the book.
Title: How to Change Careers
Subtitle: Use the skill set you already possess to make your next career transition
Outcome for job seekers: Appreciation for self, a better understanding of the career/job market landscape, confidence, enthusiasm to get started
The book would consist of three sections.
Section 1: What you already have
- Transferrable skills
- Established network
- Access to potential colleagues
- Career story worth sharing
Section 2: What you need next
- Visibility/online presence
- New positioning
- New network
- Insight into the new industry
Section 3: What you’ll get (the rewards)
- Introductions
- Access to decision-makers
- A foot in the door
- A new job/lateral move
- The beginnings of a professional platform
My ultimate goal is for this book to be as useful and value-adding as possible.
What do you think about the outline so far? Does it feel exciting/engaging? Is there anything that you’d like to see added?
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I try to lean into a simple philosophy when it comes to leadership:
Leaders are the ones who go first. Then, having experienced something of value to their communities, leaders report back on what they’ve discovered.
When typed out like this, it makes leadership look simple, methodical, and even straightforward when pursued.
But the reality is that these two actions are some of the most difficult things a person can pursue.
This past year, I’ve been thinking a lot about the people I admire who serve as leaders for their communities. I think about their courage and tenacity as they pursue their life’s work. I also wonder about what goes on in the background as they achieve their goals and explore this particular path on their journey.
It makes me admire them all the more. It also makes me reflect on my own journey.
Could I do a better job of sharing the behind-the-scenes of the work I’m doing? Would it be worthwhile to share some of my work processes and talk about how I get things done?
My gut is telling me yes… But I’m always interested in hearing your thoughts and perspectives on the subject. :)
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Your professional platform
Imagine creating a space where colleagues could go for guidance and mentorship on specific topics within your industry. You could shape your LinkedIn profile to highlight solutions to some of the big problem areas in your field. Your teachings could involve sharing insights from your years of troubleshooting through tough situations.
Or maybe, deep down in your core, you know that you were always meant to be a coach. You’re drawn to the online coaching space, and you want to work with clients in pursuit of a major goal. You could transform your profile into a destination for potential clients. Your call-to-action could be to book a session with you or join one of your programs.
Or maybe you have a special talent or gift that you could share with the world. You’re an amazing writer, graphic designer, or course creator. Maybe you’re an absolute pro in Photoshop. Whatever the skill you’ve mastered, you could easily turn it into a winning and highly-rewarding side hustle.
These are all examples of professional platforms that you could start building today.
This weekend, I’m running a 2-day experience called THE PLATFORM. We’re getting together over Zoom to explore and map out your professional platform and the steps needed to make it happen.
This course is fully and proudly customized specifically for the participants who sign up.
If you’ve been wanting custom and specific guidance on your professional platform goals, join us today.
Sign up here:
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How I build my courses
How I build my courses and experiences:
When I design a course, I like to think about it from the perspective of the do-it-yourself person. They often want to get to the core of a solution, and then they want the ability to quickly implement what they’ve learned.
I also add an exploration element to my courses. I purposely create spaces for the people who want a calm and safe atmosphere to dream as big as they like.
We look at answering the “what if” questions - what if I build a side hustle using a skillset I have? What might it look like if I started working with clients?
With 30-day experiences, we raise the stakes a bit higher. We do a little bit of work each day towards a key goal.
We also engage in laser coaching - you can ask me any questions you have, and I’ll give you advice and recommendations that will move the needle forward on your goal.
On my LinkedIn profile, you can find sign-up pages for both an upcoming weekend course and a 30-day experience.
I have a fun track record for creating exciting and impactful experiences for you guys. If you’ve been thinking about what it might be like to build your own course or experience, go check them out. :)
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Sunday musings
I’ve had an interesting week. On Fiverr Pro, I made changes to my gig where I raised my rates across each tier. I also made a few updates to the metadata. After saving the changes, I noticed that I was bumped up to the top bar on the page. I’m curious to see how long I get to stay up there.
Here on LinkedIn, I added my courses and programs to the Featured section on my profile. I thought about using Clickfunnels to create the sales pages, but I opted to go with Moonclerk. It’s the more elegant option in terms of how the pages are designed. I also really like how simple it is to set up a Moonclerk form.
I’m holding both days of THE PLATFORM on 03-July and 04-July. MOMENTUM is available for purchase at any time, and we start our 30 days together on the first of each month.
These are some of the most personal, in-depth offers I’ve ever created. I’m excited to see how they perform in July.
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Writing a little book
I still can’t believe that I’m writing a book.
It’s going to be a little book, but still. Just the thought of assembling this thing and shipping it out into the world makes me feel deeply happy. :)
All of the content that I’ve written over the years has been excellent practice. ;) I have a plethora of career-related topics that I could expand on to create this book.
Is there a particular topic or question that you’d like to see tackled in a short book?
Let me know in the comments. Your response could be the very thing that helps shape its creation. :)
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Professional platforms
I advocate a simple approach to building your professional platform.
1. You become a teacher. Your teachings make your community and industry better.
2. Engaging with you feels like an experience. Your community and industry like to return to repeat that experience.
3. Your exposure and visibility grow through word-of-mouth.
Both 1 and 2 create your platform. 3 is how you obtain your spotlight.
The result? Rather than you needing to chase down the leaders in your space, those leaders end up coming to you.
This is a path to consulting opportunities and guest speaking. I’ve even used this with my clients to help them achieve their desired career transitions.
It’s about being brave enough to showcase your expertise to the people that you want to get in front of.
If you want to become sought after by your industry, give them a reason to seek you out. :)
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