I’m laughing

I wasn’t ready to put aside the question, “Do you believe that career change is hard?” So, I put out a poll on LinkedIn and asked you guys for your thoughts and insights.

I’m laughing because, in just two days, almost 4,000 people have stared at the post long enough for LinkedIn to register it as a view. I also have over 50 votes with a handful of comments captured below the poll.

By now, I’m sure that you guys know how much I enjoy the deeper, complex questions of life. I love to chew on them, journal on them, and think about why everything comes together the way that it does.

Yet, somehow, “career change is hard” is the topic that’s getting the engagement at this time. ;)

One reason why I’m fascinated by this is my personal belief that the word “hard” exists like a curse. We hear the word hard, and it’s like a barrier is immediately erected, preventing us from going anywhere near the topic it’s describing.

I like describing things like career change as challenging, difficult, intriguing, fascinating, and worth pursuing if we’re called to make it happen. It also helps me form better thoughts around the topic since I’m instructing my brain to start thinking about solutions.

I wonder, who are the people who think that career change is hard? What is their story, history, background, and belief system? Have they ever thought about making a career change, or possibly attempted a career change in the past? Did they form this belief through their upbringing, maybe hearing from their parents or caregivers that they should stay in their lane, pick something and stick with it, the grass is always greener?

There’s also a part of me that has zero interest in even touching this topic beyond asking this question. ;) That’s because I’m personally not in the business of convincing people that they need to change the way they think, especially if they aren’t internally motivated to take that step.

Maybe this was just a fun question or a fun moment in time that I got to explore. :) But maybe I’ll come back to this topic someday, we’ll see.

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Working in public


When a career change isn’t the answer