“Yes, this is a problem”
I don’t know how to convey what accepting a lower salary does to your spirit. I want to show you the trickle-down effect that begins with you not being paid according to your value - and ends with you forgetting what it’s like to have respect for yourself.
I hope you will never accept less than what you’re worth. I hope you won’t ever allow a hiring manager to talk you down from the salary you know you deserve.
If you choose to draw a line in the sand, I hope you’ll never let someone’s nickel-and-diming guilt you or shame you into moving that line.
It might be that you’re being asked to lower your salary by a thousand dollars. They might ask you, “Is this going to be a problem?”
My wish for you is that you’ll say, “Yes, this is a problem.”
Without justifying it or providing any reasons to back up your number, you’ll repeat the salary that you want.
I can’t promise you that the hiring manager won’t give the job to someone who would do the work for cheaper. But in all the time I’ve been a resume writer, I’ve never had a single client lose out from refusing to budge.
And their refusal to budge helped create the foundation for a powerful, impactful, and resilient experience with their new company.
Announcement Coming Soon: Private Career Coaching Sessions are here! Sign up and plug into an hour and a half of exploration into your career goals, job search, promotion plans - or anything that’s weighing on your mind.
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