Making bread
I just finished mixing ingredients for an overnight “sourdough-esque” bread. Tomorrow, I’ll form a few loaves and bake some beautiful, fragrant bread.
I was worried for a moment that I’d made a terrible mistake, cutting off two income streams and deleting most of the pages on my website. But today, I had three resume clients approach me for work at the end of February and early in March. The proposals are all solidly written, and there’s one, in particular, that’s highly unique and really interesting.
I think that I’m going to be just fine.
My next set of emails will be going down a new road. I’m going to be talking about career coaching - the experience of joining me on a Zoom call to chat about what’s going on in your career. I have a rough outline prepared for what I want to cover in the next five emails. I’m surprisingly excited to write these up.
Are there any career-related topics that you’d like for me to cover in the next couple of weeks? I always welcome your input - just hit reply.
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